How to Gain Clarity at a Crossroads 

How to Gain Clarity at a Crossroads 

At various times in life, we find ourselves in periods of transition. Collectively, we began a practice of taking stock of our lives during the pandemic. As we begin to emerge from the impact of the last few years, many have found themselves ready to make changes.

Often people seek life or business coaching during these transitional periods when they crave clarity. Sometimes they have a few different ideas on the table, and deciding which path to take is difficult. Occasionally, some feel like they have no idea what to do next.

The truth is, clarity comes later. It’s something that begins to reveal itself after you begin taking action. Only by moving toward (or away) from something can we begin to see its effect, relevance, and our satisfaction. 

Having some degree of clarity - in other words, knowing which path to take or idea to pursue - is necessary to get started, of course. In my coaching practice we employ a few different techniques and exercises which are very effective in helping clients find their starting point.

The challenge is that you’ll still experience fear creeping in from time to time. This doubt might make you think you need to stop and wait for more clarity before proceeding. This is a fallacy however, because crystal-clear clarity isn’t possible. We can’t predict the future. No one can say with absolute certainty if their ideas will work. 

You’ll likely change your mind, circumstances may change, or you’ll pivot. Those are good things, and that’s clarity, my friend! You build it as you go.

Remember, clarity is not a precondition for getting started. It’s something gained as you begin taking action and making progress. One day you’ll look back over your shoulder, and you’ll find your clarity. 

Clarity is the outcome, not a prerequisite.